Thursday, August 04, 2005

We are the salt of the earth

Last week I went with some good friends to the Guthrie Theatre. We got to see 2 plays. The first was a comedy, and I, since I am not and never wish to be a theatre critic, thought it was excellent. The second play we saw was a very serious play written by the actors who performed it. It didn't have one plot; it was a juxtaposition of many different scenes, dances, letters, poems, things I didn't understand, and things I wish they would have left out. The play was about a lot of things, but mostly it was about war and the effects it has on the world. Several times the characters seemed so sad and completely hopeless...they tried to forget their pain by seeking pleasure or just ignoring the suffering around them. But eventually they realized it didn't work...this world is still an awful place. Some characters even wished for death, thinking it would be better than the life they were living.

All through the play I was realizing that a lot of people live this way. I don't usually see it. I'm off in my own little sheltered Christian world, enjoying life. When something not so great happens I have people to go to and I know that God will always be there for me. But what about those who don't know God? Where are they to turn when they lose loved ones or realize nothing they have tried has fulfilled them? They lose all hope. They don't know what to trust. They don't know what will happen to them when they die. They can't see anything good in this life. They seek happiness in pleasure, success, or ignorance, but it doesn't work. They think that life is so bad that it couldn't possibly get worse. When they finally realize that nothing on earth can fulfill them, they hope death will, only to find that they missed the point of life and a terrible eternity awaits them. It's so sad! So much of the world around me doesn't know the peace I know. They don't have the security of knowing where they're going when they die or the hope of knowing it will be better than anything on earth. They don't understand joy or contentment; they can't see the good things God has given us. The things they put their trust in let them down. They don't have a purpose; life is meaningless without Christ.

Our world needs God! We need to be aware of this fact as we live our lives. We need to stop ignoring the needs around us. People need Christ desperately even though they think they don't want him. It's not easy, but we need to share him with others and let people know what he's done in our lives. We can't worry about offending them; they need Jesus. We are the salt of the earth--the only thing that can keep it from spoiling. Don't live like them, seeking pleasure or losing hope. Find your hope and joy and purpose in Christ, and share it with the world.


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